Your Cycling Future is Now.

Welcome to the GEARS Bike Shop community link, “emPowered By GEARS.” It is our intention with this blog to provide additional levels of informations, tips and product reviews for the perspective of your local LBS (Local Bike Shop), our staff, vendors and customers.

This site is being grown from our eBike Blog page, which we started several years ago. We did this to help educate our customers (and ourselves) about the “new world” of eBikes. We feel now, that eBikes are just another cycling genre, so the time is now right to expand this blog to include all types and genres of cycling. We hope you enjoy this page.

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GEARS and COVID : A Lesson in adaptability and embracing change

To say that COVID had a huge influence on the bicycle industry is certainly a massive understatement. Very early in 2020, we quickly to noticed that once the gyms began to close and people were becoming apprehensive about public transit, the demand for urban-style and commuter bikes began to gain some serious momentum. Momentum that … Continue reading GEARS and COVID : A Lesson in adaptability and embracing change

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